Maandelijks archief: mei 2009
Dit is een introductie tot de RepRap. Technische kennis, bekendheid met Open Source of de RepRap wordt niet verondersteld. Omdat de geluidskwaliteit niet optimaal is heb ik ondertiteling toegevoegd. De slides zijn hieronder beschikbaar....
If you agree with me on this, please take less than 30 seconds to nominate RepRap for “Most Likely to Change the Way You Do Everything”:
The driving mechanism that pushes the thermoplasts or metals through the heater chamber (for making them liquid) is a very critical one. It needs to push the plastic with a strong and reliable grip....
Today, antifuchs designed a stylus to be 3D printed on a home fabricator such as the RepRap or Makerbot. It was posted as a Thing on The stylus (click picture for lager version)...
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